

19 Things to do before you die

I came across an article recently mentioning that although everyone has their own version of things to cross off their bucket list; such as "buy dream car" or "learn a new language" or "take an adventure somewhere far away" - what drives each of these desires is a common connector, an innate yearning to belong and to feel love.

In the spirit of living life to the fullest - here is my take on things you should do before you die.

When we do what we love, we become an expression of love and our happiness is infectious. 

  1. Stop trying to control your outcome
  2. Find your purpose and live it full-heartedly
  3. Adopt a furry friend
  4. Trust that everything is in the right order
  5. Don't feel guilty for holiday weight gain
  6. Travel to the place you keep thinking about
  7. Be open to change
  8. Forgive and let go
  9. Be the best YOU can be
  10. Share your joy with the world - it's contagious!
  11. Stop blame-shifting
  12. Show your loved ones you care every single day
  13. Reject rejection
  14. Give up all attachments to belongings
  15. Stay hopeful and optimistic in difficult situations
  16. Welcome all life lessons
  17. See the opportunities in every challenge rather than give up
  18. Establish your moral compass and stay true to your values
  19. Play with the world

That place I keep thinking about...